Aristotle Beyond the Academy

Aristotle’s Early Renaissance Headgear

Admire the hat which 15th-century Flemish painter Justus van Gent or Joos van Wassenhove bestowed on “Aristotle the Stagirite” in a painting on which he collaborated with Pedro Berruguete. It is now in the Louvre. The portrait, which shows the fork-bearded philosopher in a lavender suit with contrasting green hat, the green mirrored in the background textiles, was one of a series of images of Famous Men commissioned in Italy, probably by the Duke of Urbino.

The series also included Plato with thick black curls reading, and Ptolemy, wearing an impressive headscarf and crown and holding an ancillary globe. Other classical figures portrayed were Solon, Virgil, Euclid and Seneca. The classical curriculum was going very strong in the late 15th century as Greek texts started rolling off the printing presses of Humanist Italy.


Durham UniversityDurham University Centre for Classical ReceptionLeverhulme Trust