Aristotle Beyond the Academy

The Young Aristotle

Bid for a statue of La Jeunesse d'Aristote (The Young Aristotle), a bronze copy of a famous large marble statue in the Orsay Museum, Paris, by Charles Jean Marie Degeorge. The bronze reduction was sold at Christie’s for £5,000 in 2017.

Aristotle at the age depicted here would still have been living in Stagira with his father, Dr Nicomachus, who wrote several books on medicine. At first sight the young Aristotle seems patently bored as he gazes down at his papyrus roll, but it could be argued that he is engaged in deep intellection, fathoming the Four Causes or the necessity of gathering the endoxa (received opinions).

The sculptor created several other famous statues, including those of the fountain of the Jacobins in his home town of Lyon. His own sepulchre in the Parisian Père-Lachaise cemetery is adorned with a bronze portrait bust.


Durham UniversityDurham University Centre for Classical ReceptionLeverhulme Trust