Aristotle Beyond the Academy

Aristotle Goes Lobster Fishing

Aristotle’s History of Animals turns up in the most unexpected Victorian places. The Illustrated London News for 11 September 1847 ran a feature on lobster fishing in the harbour at Folkestone, with attractive sketches by Edward Duncan, famous water-colourist who specialised in marine subjects and seascapes (pictured below).

Part of the text was a paraphrase of Aristotle’s remarkably detailed accounts of the lobster in HA book 4, where he describes its colour, legs, claws, teeth, shell, mouth, eyes and thorax; in book 5, he describes the activities of lobster fishermen around the Hellespont and Thasos, just as the ILN reports on the fishermen of Folkestone and elsewhere in Britain and Norway.


Durham UniversityDurham University Centre for Classical ReceptionLeverhulme Trust